An important detail in your Matchless Cabinet plan is countertop overhangs, in the event that you are using our countertops.
By default, all countertops have:
- 3/4" overhang in front. This is not adjustable in the planner and we recommend keeping this amount.
- 1/2" on the left and right ends of a linear run of cabinets.
- No overhang in rear (flush with the cabinet back)
Adjusting the side overhangs
Select the countertop section you wish to adjust, by clicking on it:
Click the "settings" icon for the countertop piece:
Adjust the values:
The drop-down has presets of 0" and 1/2" but you may enter any value up to 18in.
Adjusting the rear overhangs
Rear overhang is adjusted slightly different than side overhangs.
To begin, select one of the cabinets you wish to add rear overhang to, and then open that cabinet's settings:
Check the "Back Overhang" option:
Choose the Standard Overhang (3/4" which matches the front) or non-standard to define any value up to 18"
Repeat per cabinet that requires this setting.